This committee works to align jail voting efforts statewide and helps with voter registration drives at jails and drug treatment facilities to ensure people know they have the right to vote.

In Ohio, many people in jail retain the right to vote. Ohio only bars individuals currently incarcerated on a felony conviction from voting; individuals in jail pretrial on any charge or serving a misdemeanor sentence may vote.
Civil rights activists and attorneys have been registering people to vote in Ohio jails since the early 2000's. This coalition has been meeting since 2018 to register people to vote in county jails and share materials, advocate, and coordinate activities across the state. The success of the registration, however, depends greatly on the volunteer's ability to speak directly with jailed voters.
A lack of volunteer engagement among voters increases mistakes. We know that contact with incarcerated voters is vital. Since COVID protocols, we have been advocating to regain access into the local jails.